The best ways to get your protein in on an animal product-free diet.

Hands down, the number one question a vegan is asked is, “Where do you get your protein?” While vegan protein does indeed exist, it’s not a totally bonkers question, given that the sources of protein most people are familiar with (meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, whey) are all off limits.
But there are actually a ton of surprising and tasty sources of vegan protein, as long as you know where to look. Legumes, seeds, nuts, lentils, whole grains, soy-based products, and plant-based protein powders are where it’s at.
So, whether you’re already living that animal product-free lifestyle or just thinking about it—or maybe you’re just looking to enjoy more plant protein into your life—it’s helpful to have a go-to guide to the best vegan protein sources out there. Here are some delicious, filling, and versatile high protein vegan foods to add to your grocery list.

Made from partially cooked, whole, fermented soybeans, tempeh is a great meat substitute. Also rich in copper, manganese, calcium, iron, and fiber, it’s best served steamed, baked, or grilled. The firm texture and nutty flavor soak up other flavors quickly. Soak it overnight in fresh garlic with sesame oil and adding it to a stir fry, salad, or soup.
16 grams of protein per 3 oz serving


Made from partially cooked, whole, fermented soybeans, tempeh is a great meat substitute. Also rich in copper, manganese, calcium, iron, and fiber, it’s best served steamed, baked, or grilled. The firm texture and nutty flavor soak up other flavors quickly. Soak it overnight in fresh garlic with sesame oil and adding it to a stir fry, salad, or soup.
16 grams of protein per 3 oz serving

Almond butter

This paste made from almonds is a little grittier than peanut butter and contains more
fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron. Try adding a scoop of almond butter on top of your
oatmeal, in a smoothie, or slathering it on top of a banana or piece of toast.
7 grams of protein per 2T serving

Black beans

As a great source of folate, potassium, iron, and fiber, these legumes are earthy in taste
and hearty in texture. Whether cooking them dry or using them straight from a can, black
beans are great in soups, salads, and of course, tacos.
8 grams of protein per ½ cup serving

Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds (often called hemp hearts) taste like something of a hybrid between a
sunflower seed and pine nut. They’re also rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and
magnesium. Since they’re versatile, they can be used in both savory and sweet dishes.
5 grams of protein per 2T serving


Tempeh, tofu, soy milk and the like are all fantastic, but it’s hard to beat soybeans in their
simplest natural form. These crunchy little guys are fun to eat on their own, straight out
of the shell, with a generous sprinkling of coarse salt. Found year-round in the frozen
section, there are also pre-shelled bags that will come in pretty handy if you’re making a
recipe that calls for large amounts of edamame.
18 grams of protein per 1 cup serving (shelled)

Brown rice protein powder

Protein powder made from rice, you say? Who knew? While pea and soy protein are more
popular, this chewy whole grain is an increasingly popular source of post-workout fuel for
vegans. Find a variety you like the taste of, and your muscles will thank you.
~ 24 grams of protein per 1 scoop (2T) serving (varies by brand)


Buckwheat’s name is pretty misleading, given it’s not a type of wheat. In fact, like quinoa,
buckwheat isn’t technically a grain at all. But this seed certainly stacks up to grains in
terms of kitchen versatility and nutritional power. Buckwheat groats can be toasted to
enhance their flavor and cooked up like a cereal grain, or ground into a hearty flour that
makes for delicious and filling pancakes or noodles (soba noodles).
6 grams of protein per 1 cup serving


Garbanzo beans are as rich in fiber as they are protein, with 11 grams a serving. Your GI
tract will be pleased to hear there are about 7,000 ways to cook with them. Roast them
with spices for a crispy, salty snack to munch by the handful; gobble them up in pasta
form; or puree them into a cookie dough-like dessert hummus to be consumed by the
7 grams of protein per ½ cup serving (canned)

Nutritional yeast

Affectionately referred to as “nooch” by its fans, nutritional yeast is also known among
vegans as the Best Thing Ever. It’s delicious, versatile, and packed not only with protein
but vitamin B12, a nutrient that can be hard to come by in a vegan diet. Slightly nutty and
convincingly cheesy, it can function as both a parmesan-like topping on everything from
pasta to popcorn, as well as a central component in creamy non-dairy sauces, like macaroni
and “cheese.”
8 grams of protein per ¼ cup serving


Most think of quinoa as a grain, when in fact, it’s a seed from a green leaf that’s part of
the beet, Swiss chard, and spinach family. White, red, and black quinoa can be used in
cooking and baking, but make sure to wash it before adding it to any meal—its natural
coating saponin can give it a bitter or soapy taste. There are endless ways to eat quinoa,
recommend using it to make stuffed peppers or tossing a scoop into a cold vegetable salad.
8 grams of protein per 1 cup serving

Pea protein powder

Pea protein is a newly popular protein option derived from yellow or green peas. It’s easy
to digest, and a good source of arginine (an amino acid your body needs to build muscle),
and branch chain amino acids (protein compounds that can delay fatigue during exercise).
Add some in chocolate or vanilla-flavored powder form to your post-workout smoothie. You
can also add it to gluten-free baked goods to improve the texture while getting a nice
protein kick.
14 grams of protein per 2T serving (1 scoop)


Lentils are legumes that are found either whole or split into halves. Depending on the type
and how they’re cooked, the texture ranges from al dente to baby-food soft. Besides
being packed with protein, they’re also a great source of soluble fiber, which helps to
stabilize your blood sugar levels and keep you satiated. To prepare, boil 3 cups of liquid for
every 1 cup of lentils (or just buy them by the can, drain, and wash before eating). Toss
them over a salad or add to soups.
18 grams of protein per 1 cup serving

Peanut flour

Hey, did you know peanuts come not just in butter form but in flour form, too? This
ingenious invention is basically peanuts with most of the fat taken out, ground up into a
fine-grained powder, leaving you with hella vegan protein. Look for recipes that bake with
it like a flour, or add it to smoothiesfor a peanutty protein kick.
10 grams of protein per ½ cup serving

Pumpkin seeds

Also known as pepitas, pumpkin seeds are a versatile topping sometimes found in Mexican
dishes. The part-crunchy, part-chewy texture makes them perfect for sprinkling on top of
oatmeal, yogurt, cereal, and salads. As a great source of amino acids, zinc, magnesium, iron,
and fiber, they’re also a conveniently healthy snack.
5 grams of protein per 2T serving


Whether you’re pairing walnuts with a piece of fruit as a healthy snack or sprinkling them
over yogurt for breakfast, they contain a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, copper,
manganese, and biotin. Plus, the combination of fiber and protein will help keep you
satisfied for longer. Tip: Store them in the fridge for a longer shelf life.
4 grams of protein per 1 oz serving

Steel-cut oats

As a great source of fiber, this hot breakfast cereal will keep you feeling full all morning.
Once cooked, up the protein factor by sprinkling hemp, chia, or pumpkin seeds on top.
Since preparation involves soaking the oats, make a batch before bed and allow it to soak
in the fridge as you sleep. Use coconut milk, combined with half a banana, chia seeds, and
cinnamon. Yum yum!
7 grams of protein per 1 cup cooked serving (¼ cup dry)

Sunflower seed butter

Move over, nut butters. Creamy, naturally salty-sweet, and allergy-friendly, sunflower seed
butter is a protein- and fiber-packed treat for vegans and non-vegans alike. Swap it in
wherever you might use peanut or almond butter. Smear it on toast, drizzle it over
overnight oats, mix it into smoothies, or fix yourself an SB&J for lunch. You get the
picture. Find it in stores next to the nut butters, or make your own at home—as long as
you’ve got a powerful enough blender.
6 grams of protein per 2T serving
