My experience of “Love your body coaching” with Ms. Liza Lomax was most constructive; first, using video for our weekly interactions was most personal. Her exercises or assignments were helpful and lead to introspective times and thoughts as well as tools to bring to the forefront “problematic” issues/zones. Ms. Lomax made our discussions of these a constructive conduit to positive change in my life as she coached me or served as a “sounding board” to my thought processes propelling me to forward, constructive change.

Secondly, she brought to my attention many other methods or outlets for further growth from all forms of meditation to EFT and Reiki healing balancing to help in my journey to change.

Lastly, I needed to deal with “food” issues and her exercises once again were both informative and aids in helping me expose and positively deal with these, especially learning intuitive eating which has helped me to tune in to my own body signals to choose better foods for myself.

I strongly advise anyone who needs a “lifestyle” coach to open themselves to Ms. Liza’s course.

Good luck in your life journey;
